
Friday, October 19, 2012

I ll give you a list of 50 000 email addresses.

Send your commercial to 50 000 people at same time!!!


Hurry up. Limited Time Offer

The topic seems to be cool! But is it really true? 50 000 people? Ohhhh....can't be!

No it is completely true!!! 
And we have proved that.

But how can i find 50 K email addresses? Thats quite simple. 

We have the largest databases of the world that comprises of more than 1 lakh of email addresses. 
All 100% working.

Do you know that each email you send ,make you an income of $35 in return? 
Thats a common secret most of the people know.

Ok lets  make a simple calculation. 

You send 50 000 emails and 48 000 people visit your site in return. 

45 000 people bookmark your site. 

And 30 000 people forward them to 10 of their friends. 

Then another 300 000 people get your email. And out of them, 200 000 visit your site... 

Out of them, 100 000 people forward your mail..... 

It goes like a circle.

But what made you reach your commercial email to millions of people? just 50 000 emails.
So isn't that amazing?

With a single email, you can directly give your message to the clients. 
Unlike the tv commercials, clients can read and understand your email easily. 
So its the most efficient way of present advertising. 

But for all that, you need a huge list of emails. We can supply those.

Aren't you sure? We can provide a sample of 1000 emails. 
Even those 1000 emails can help you a lot.

Hurry Up. 
Quicker you prepare, Higher the benifits you get!

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