
Monday, November 5, 2012

Daily tips!!! How to get 1000+ tweets in one day for free.

        Believe or not; this page you are watching has over  50 tweets. Very little Ah? heheh..If you know how long did it take me to get all those 50 tweets, you will never believe. Okay, believe or not, It took me only 15 minutes for just 50 tweets. So you might be wondering how i got those. Are those fake? Nope! Not a single tweet was generated fake, everything was done in the right, legal method.

     You might have seen so many websites have over millions of tweets and followers. Have you every guessed how those sites received those millions of tweets? It's the same way i received my tweets. The only difference is they have spent more time, professionally on getting tweets. But this blog is now over popular, its more than enough. So I ended with 50 tweets. If i need more I m definitely use the following site. Go sign up here.


       So if you too need to make your blog or your site popular among people you should try this method.

        I thought of writing this review as a help in-return to the site and twitter followers who helped in obtaining these tweets. Thats my duty!

       Go sign up in the above site. Don't worry they don't charge you anything. Its completely free.

       This is how it works. 

        Lets say you need to get 50 tweets to your website, then you should tweet about 10 tweets of other members in the site i m talking about. Then you get points. You can spend these points to get tweets.

       You can spend the points not only for tweets; facebook likes, LinkedIn shares, Youtube views, likes, subscribes, Pinterest shares, followers and every thing you to promote your website.

       This is how all those High Scale Web Sites get their twitter followers and facebook likes. So why don't you try that.

       Sharing your site in social networks increase SEO(search engine optimizatrion). So you don't need post backlinks in other webpages to get extra traffic. Its done automatically when you share your site in social networks. So try this out, and tell me the results as comments. Good luck!

tags: tweets, twitter, followers, twitter followers, LinkedIn shares, LinkedIn, Facebook Likes, Facebook, How to get tweets, How to get facebook likes, SEO for free,

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